Friday with Mr.Miller

I learned that to start my presentation we should ask a starter question. This question helps us get the crowds attention. It also gives the kids something to think about. Our starting question is going to be Can anyone tell me what the difference between a dragonfly and a damselfly is. Another thing I learned is to use a whiteboard to draw pictures of what you are talking about. For the water cycle pass the board around to whom ever is not speaking and they draw what they are talking about on the board. For the green hous effect you could draw the carbon cycle.

For our section we need to not tell the kids to not do things because they weren’t thinking of it until we said it. The way he explained it was Bart from the simpsons would get the idea to break the rules you had set and dare his friends to do it. He also showed us that if we can’t fit everyone on the dock to put them on the shore . He showed us if a kid goes in to go down on all fours and grab them with one hand. This works until you can’t lift them get them to go to the shore because 1 wet person is better than 2.

For the adapt or die he went through and used does or has as a test in behavioural and physical adaptions.
A beaver eats wood to shorten his teeth is that has or does. A blue wing teal female is darker so it can camouflage while the male is brightly coloured. The red wing barring gains a darker red wing as it mates more. A bear hibernates to survive the winter. The coolest thing he showed us out of this adapt or die is the cat tail celery

He told us that we didn’t need to worry about kids beheivour. For me this was big because that was one of my concerns. He also told us how important it was to face the sun when talking to the kids. He showed us his cow bell that he uses to get the attention of the kids. He told us the origin behind the bell and that was pretty cool. He also showed us a new game and how to run it. He talked about sleeping the talking short and to let the game do most of the talking. So talk for 4 to 5 minutes play a 10 minute game and then do your wrap up talk and if you have time left do a show and tell


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